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A Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You Fight For Your Rights

A truck accident victim may be entitled to significant compensation. Truck Accident Lawyer Baltimore can help you fight for your rights to monetary damages.

Truck Accident Lawyer

A truck accident attorney can provide many services, including proving negligence on the defendant’s part. Proving liability is the first step in winning a compensation claim. Economic damages include quantifiable losses such as medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Non-economic damages are more difficult to reduce to a monetary value.

If your accident-related medical bills and other losses are not covered by No-Fault insurance or are not reimbursed after a settlement, you may have a case for a lawsuit against the parties who acted negligently. You must show that the truck driver and/or their employer owed you a duty of care to not put other people in danger and breached this duty by creating unsafe conditions.

For example, the truck driver might have breached this duty by driving recklessly or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Or, the truck company might be liable for forcing its drivers to meet unrealistic deadlines or overworking them by having them work long shifts. A lawyer can use police reports, video or photographs from the scene, data from the truck’s onboard electronic information system, eyewitness statements, and expert testimony to identify all liable parties.

Then, a lawyer can help you file a personal injury claim or lawsuit against them. A successful claim or suit will result in compensation for your injuries and losses. Compensation can include your past and future medical expenses, loss of income due to missed work, property damage, pain and suffering, and more.

An experienced truck accident lawyer can also help you recover damages for any wrongful death caused by the crash of a loved one. Wrongful death claims are more complex than standard personal injury cases and often require substantial compensation. Your attorney can negotiate with the defendants’ insurance companies for a fair settlement. They can also deal with any pressure tactics from the insurance adjusters, such as calling you while you are recovering from your injuries or sending low-ball offers. In addition, a lawyer can identify all eligible claim damages and accurately calculate your losses to ensure that you receive maximum compensation.


Unlike a car accident, truck accidents are often more severe due to the size and weight of a truck. These accidents can be more complex as well because truck drivers have a duty to drive safely, and when they fail in this duty, they may be liable for your losses and injuries.

A Manhattan truck accident lawyer will help you recover the full amount of damages you deserve. Your attorney will assess your injury and loss, determine the at-fault party or parties, build a strong evidence file, and handle all communication with the insurance company on your behalf.

Medical Bills

One of the most common damages that a Truck Accident Lawyer will help you recover is for the cost of your medical treatment and related bills. A medical bill may cover emergency care, hospital visits, surgeries, prescriptions, and other medical expenses. Your attorney will work to obtain a settlement that covers all of your past, present, and future costs associated with your injury.

Pain and Suffering

Another common damage that a Truck Accident Lawyer will help you claim is for the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma of your injury and its consequences. This may include pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, and other mental and physical complications as a result of your injury. Your attorney will calculate this damage based on the length of your recovery process and your level of pain.

Lost Wages and Income

Truck crashes can be devastating to families, causing serious injuries that prevent people from working and leading to financial struggles. A Truck Accident Lawyer will help you recover compensation for your past, present, and future income and employment loss, including any missed bonuses or promotion opportunities.


Injured victims often face significant financial costs in truck accidents due to the severe and catastrophic nature of these crashes. As a result, at-fault parties and their insurance carriers have an incentive to settle for less than you deserve. A truck accident lawyer will have experience dealing with these types of cases and understand how to properly calculate damages for a fair settlement.

In addition, your truck accident lawyer will be familiar with evidence unique to these cases. For example, most commercial trucks over a certain weight are required to have black boxes installed, which will record critical information during a crash. This data may include the speed of the truck, which can help determine liability. Your attorney will know how to access this information and use it to your advantage in a case.

After a severe accident, you will likely receive multiple calls from the insurance company asking for details of the incident. This can be incredibly stressful, especially when you are recovering from your injuries and coping with financial losses. A truck accident lawyer will handle these calls so that you do not say anything that could be used against you later on to reduce your compensation.

If you are covered by New Jersey’s Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, this will cover your medical bills. However, if you were injured in a truck crash and are seeking compensation from the at-fault party’s insurer, it is often necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit. A truck accident lawyer will make this process much easier and ensure that you receive the full amount of compensation you need. They will review all the details of your insurance policy and accurately account for all of your damages.

Time Limits

It is generally best to seek the advice of a truck accident attorney as soon as possible following a collision. Aside from focusing on the immediate needs of an injured victim and their family, a lawyer can help to gather important evidence such as witness statements, medical records, vehicle maintenance logs, photographs, and video footage. The sooner these items are requested the more likely they will be to be preserved. Moreover, the earlier legal action begins the more time is left to build a strong case against negligent parties.

Initiating legal action early also shows insurance companies and responsible parties that you are serious about your claim. This can be crucial in negotiations or at trial. It also gives the lawyer more time to conduct a thorough investigation and analyze complex factors in the crash.

Most personal injury cases involving injuries resulting from truck accidents are subject to specific time limits known as statutes of limitations. Under Texas law, for example, victims have two years to file a lawsuit against the parties responsible for their injuries. However, this rule may differ in other states and can be complicated depending on the circumstances of a crash.

If a victim fails to meet the deadline for filing their claim, they forfeit their right to compensation. While monetary compensation cannot undo the physical, emotional and financial harm caused by a truck accident, it can provide valuable relief in covering expenses such as costly medical treatment, lost wages and property damage. To avoid losing out on your claim, contact a Houston truck accident attorney right away to review the facts of your case and determine whether or not you are eligible for compensation.


As a result of their massive weight, trucks are very dangerous and can cause devastating injuries. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses and damages. Working with a qualified injury lawyer can help you get the money you need to pay for your medical bills, car repairs, lost wages from time off work, and more.

A reputable truck accident attorney will have a proven track record of helping their clients get the compensation they deserve. They will have experience negotiating with insurance companies and will know how to document your damages for a fair settlement. They will also have the knowledge and skills to take your case to trial if necessary.

Because of the unique regulations that govern trucking companies and drivers, truck accidents are more complex than standard car accidents. A seasoned truck crash lawyer will understand the intricacies of these laws and will be able to uncover any safety violations that contributed to your accident. They will also be able to stop the trucking company from destroying any evidence that could be crucial to your claim.

If you’re shopping for a truck crash attorney, be sure to look for an AV-rated lawyer with board certification in commercial transportation law. AV-rated lawyers have been recognized for their skill and professionalism in the courtroom and have proven that they have the knowledge and expertise to handle complex trucking cases. Schedule free consultations with potential attorneys and pay attention to their communication style and how they treat you during your appointment. A good truck accident attorney will be responsive to your questions and concerns and treat you with respect.