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How Lawn Care Companies Can Enhance the Look of Your Home

A well-maintained lawn enhances the look of your home. To promote grass health, follow seasonal tasks like overseeding, dethatching, and fertilizing.

Lawn Care

Over time, a layer of dead organic material, known as thatch, builds up in your yard. Regular dethatching removes this buildup and allows water and nutrients to reach deeper into the soil. Contact Prime Cut Lawn And Landscaping for professional help.

In order for a lawn to be healthy, it must be regularly and properly mowed. A lawn that is not mowed often enough, or at the proper height will become overgrown with weeds and may start to die off. This is one of the most important services a lawn care company can provide.

There are several different types of mowers that cut grass. The most common is a rotary mower. A rotary mower cuts the grass in an even fashion, making it easy to remove the clippings and resulting in a nice looking lawn. There are also a number of other ways to cut the grass including blade mowers, push mowers, robotic mowers and scythes. A good lawn must be mowed at least once per week in the spring and summer and more often if it is very dry.

Another essential service a lawn care company provides is fertilization and weed control. Lawns that are well fertilized and weed controlled will be healthier and more resistant to disease and drought. It is important to ask a lawn care company about their treatment options and to make sure they have a plan that fits your needs.

Insects can also be a problem in many lawns. Although a healthy lawn will usually be able to tolerate some insect pests, high populations can cause severe damage in small to large areas of turf. Some of the most troublesome insects include white grubs, sod webworms, chinch bugs and billbugs.

Fungicide treatments are used to prevent and control the fungi that cause diseases in turf. Most fungicides are applied in the fall and spring, depending on the climate. Although fungicides are expensive, they can save a lawn from serious damage in the long run.


Whether you have a lush green yard or one that’s brown and patchy, it needs water to thrive. Watering helps lawns withstand drought and encourages deeper grass roots. Watering is a seasonal chore, but the timing of it depends on soil and weather conditions.

During hot, dry summers, shady areas may need to be watered more frequently than sunny ones. In addition, soil texture impacts how much and how often a lawn is watered: sandy or loamy soil holds on to moisture, while clay soil can become compacted and make it hard for nutrients, oxygen, and moisture to reach the root zone. A laboratory soil test can tell you the proportions of sand, silt, and clay in your soil, and help you decide how to care for it.

It’s important to avoid over-watering, which can damage or even kill grass and other plants. When watering, aim for a deep soaking that allows the water to penetrate to the root zone rather than running off or evaporating. Use a watering gauge or empty, shallow cans (such as tuna) placed in the lawn to monitor the amount of water being applied. Watering in the early morning is ideal to minimize leaf wetness, which promotes disease problems.

Over time, as grass grows, it uses up the nutrients in the soil. A soil test can show you how many nutrients are available, and a fertilizer application can replenish them. Be cautious about pesticides, however, as they can harm earthworms and other beneficial insects that help lawns. Ask your local lawn services if they have a targeted control approach or will agree to forego pesticide treatments altogether. This will keep their customers’ lawns healthy and safe, while preserving the integrity of surrounding ecosystems.


Fertilizing is one of the key aspects of a healthy lawn. Over time, the soil loses its essential nutrients and lawn fertilizers are designed to replace them, ensuring that the grass is getting the nutrients it needs to thrive.

There are many different kinds of lawn fertilizers, ranging from organic materials such as compost and manure to synthetic slow-release fertilizers. It is important to know what type of fertilizer you are using, as this can affect how the soil is able to absorb it. It is also a good idea to have your soil tested, as this can tell you what your grass is missing, and can help guide you in what kind of fertilizer to use.

For best results, you should apply lawn fertilizer seasonally, usually in the spring, summer and fall. This helps your lawn remain dense, lush and green throughout the season, while crowding out weeds.

Lawn fertilizers are typically based on three main ingredients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Each lawn type needs different levels of these, so you will need to find the right mix for your grass type. You should read the lawn fertilizer bag to find out what percentages of each ingredient it contains.

It is a good idea to use a spreader or sprayer when applying lawn fertilizer. This will help you get it evenly spread across your entire lawn, which is important for achieving a beautiful lawn. Once you have applied the fertilizer, it is recommended that you water your lawn. This will rinse the fertilizer off of the grass blades and help it soak into the soil. After the recommended amount of time has passed, you should be able to mow your lawn as normal.


A lush, green lawn adds beauty to your home and improves curb appeal. A well-maintained lawn is also a great place to play with kids and pets, host backyard barbecues and parties, and provides a good habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Aerating your lawn involves puncturing small holes in the ground to relieve soil compaction and enhance the delivery of oxygen, water, and nutrients to grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeper, resulting in a healthy and vigorous lawn.

Getting the most out of your lawn requires regular maintenance, including proper mowing and aerating, and attention to weeds and fertilization. A lawn care specialist can help you achieve a healthier lawn that will look great all year round.

Soil aeration is the most important lawn treatment for the health of your turf. The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction, which occurs when soils have too many solid particles in a volume or space that prevents air and nutrients from properly circulating. Compacted soils can be caused by heavy traffic, rain storms, and even over-watering. Excess lawn thatch, or a layer of living and dead turfgrass tissue that builds up over the grass roots, can also starve the root systems by blocking off vital elements.

During aeration, small plugs of soil (usually about an inch or more in length) are removed from the ground using hollow tines on an aeration machine or manually by poking a spike into the soil. This process makes the ground spongy, and is usually done in spring or fall. When aerated, the soil will be ready for overseeding or to be fertilized. Overseeding fills in bare spots in the lawn with fresh grass seed, and fertilizing helps to strengthen the new growth and improve the appearance of the lawn.


Mulching is a common practice for conserving soil moisture, improving the health and fertility of the soil, reducing weed growth and enhancing the beauty of the landscape. Mulch can be made of organic material such as grass clippings, hay, straw, kitchen scraps, shredded leaves, comfrey or compost materials; organic mulches decompose and add nutrients to the soil. Mulch can also be inorganic such as stone, gravel or river rock and may be made of a weed-resistant fabric.

Grass clippings are an excellent source of mulch, especially when they are collected close to the time that weeds start going to seed. This can reduce the need for chemical weed control. Alternatively, the clippings can be placed in a mowing bag and added to the compost pile. Mulching is most effective if the lawn is regularly mowed with a mulching mower that finely shreds the grass. This allows the clippings to quickly break down and provides a rich, natural organic fertilizer for the soil.

Leaves and grass clippings have several benefits over commercially produced mulches, including a lower cost and increased organic content. In addition, organic mulches attract earthworms to the soil which improves water infiltration, increases aeration, and enhances soil structure. However, if the mulch is too thick it can inhibit oxygen flow to the roots and cause disease and root death. A layer of organic mulch no more than 4 inches deep is a good choice.